Opinion of the population of Russia on the Federal target-oriented program “Electronic Russia”.
This material contains results of analysis of the data received by means of poll, carried out by the All-Russian center of public opinion studying (ARPOC) on representative sample of urban and rural population of Russia. The poll was carried out during 17th – 21st July, 2003. 1600 individuals in the age from 18 and older took part in it.
Awareness of the population of FTOP “Electronic Russia”
Results of representative poll of the population of Russia have shown, that the level of knowledge of people about the Federal target-oriented program (FTOP) “Electronic Russia 2002 – 2010” is yet not too high. Only 4 % of adult population of Russia is well enough informed on the program, that in percentage ratio corresponds to average index of the quantity of active PC users (thus, for example, according to ARPOC, share of respondents using services of the Internet daily also had made about 4 %), and another 13 % “heard something” about the program, but regard their own awareness of it as uncertain.

Do you know about the Federal target-oriented program “Electronic Russia”? Yes, I know well about this programHeard something, but do not remember whatHeard nothing about thatDifficult to answer
At the same time, among respondents having access to the Internet already 12 % know well about FTOP “Electronic Russia” and another 21 % heard something about this program. In general, respondents from large and medium cities (with the population more than 100 thousand persons) know about the program, a bit lower is awareness in small cities and in the countryside. This is not surprising, taking into account, that in Moscow half of adult population has access to the Internet, in other large and medium cities it is on average 37 %, in small cities - 30 %, and in the countryside - 18 %.
Approximately twice bigger is the share of informed about the program among respondents with higher education (9 % of well informed + 22 %, which heard something), among experts (9 % + 35 %), and also among pupils and students (8 % + 18 %). In total, people younger than 25 years are better informed about FTOP ER (7 % + 20 %), than people of pre-pension and pension age (2 % + 8 %). But if to compare these data with the data on presence of access to the Internet (28 % among youth, 2 % among senior generation) it is possible to assume, that elderly people demonstrate, in comparison with their possibilities, higher interest to FTOP ER, than that of youth.
At the same time, as a whole share of people who know nothing about the program “Electronic Russia” is predictably maximal in the groups having the least social resources and representing so-called “social periphery”, that is social layers of senior ages, in their majority consisting of pensioners, with low educational level and having low qualification.
It is remarkable, that not so much highly remunerative groups of interrogated, as those who estimate their consumer status above average (that is those having an opportunity to purchase durable goods - 8 % + 15 %) know well about the program more often than others. Rather high consumer status, according to research of ARPOC, appreciably correlates with more advanced and socially variable types of behavior, that means higher awareness in various spheres of life and more varied repertoire of sources of information used for these or those purposes.
Coordinator of FTOP “Electronic Russia”
Among those interrogated, who know about FTOP ER, more than one third (37 %) know that coordinator of the program is the Ministry of Communications of Russia.

Do you know, that coordinator of the program “Electronic Russia” is the Ministry of Communications of Russia? Yes
As well as in the question of awareness of FTOP ER, the most active users of computer technologies - those who are able to use the Internet and have Internet access (50 %) know about the role of the Ministry of Communications in this program much more, than other groups.
In Moscow the share of those informed on who is coordinator of the program (60 %) is bigger, than anywhere else. Office workers (55 %) and businessmen (51 %) much more often know about the role of Ministry of Communications in this program, that, most likely, is the evidence of greater “affect” of changes connected with realization of purposes and tasks of the program upon these categories.
The group of pupils and students can also be regarded as involved in consequences of realization of the program, being more often than average aware of the fact that the program is coordinated by the Ministry of Communications of Russian Federation (47 %), though essential role here is also played by characteristic for learning youth generally advanced awareness of everything in the sphere of computer and information technologies.
At the same time “experts” who, regardless of probable expectations, show uncertain enough, in comparison with other social groups, knowledge of essence of the program, also less often than average know, who coordinates the program “Electronic Russia”
Rating of FTOP “Electronic Russia”
More than half of the group of “informed” respondents expect obvious personal benefits from realization of the program or rather incline to such positive rating (17 % and 37 % correspondently).

Do you expect personal benefits/profits from the program “Electronic Russia” now or in foreseeable future?
Yes, I see obvious benefits
Rather yes Rather no
This program will give me nothing
Difficult to answer
Positive rating of the program is typical of all social groups without exception. The share of convinced in benefits of the program among businessmen (38 % expecting obvious benefits + 25 % inclining to positive rating), learning youth (26 % + 56 %) and office workers (24 % + 38 %) is considerably above average. Thus young people till 25 years (20 % + 56 %) expect personal benefits from this program more often, than people of mature age of 40 - 55 years (12 % + 29 %), but personal importance of the program again grows at pension age (23 % + 32%).
However about one third of more or less informed about the program “Electronic Russia” is either in some doubt about direct personal benefits from its realization (18 %), or is convicted that it in no way will affect them (18 %). They are most skeptical in their ratings. A bit more often the answer “this program will give me nothing” was chosen by respondents of mature age of 40 – 55 years (27 %), with specialized secondary education (27 %), qualified workers (26 %), housewives (28 %), and especially unemployed people (39 %). It is remarkable, that at a loss to answer this question (along with unskilled workers and the unemployed) were those groups which are supposed be more “engaged” in problems and purposes of the program - 23 % in the group of 25 – 39 years and 23 in the group of “experts”.
Another unexpected result: prevalence of positive ratings of benefits of the program among elderly people and, in particular, pensioners (28 % expecting obvious benefits + 25 % inclining to positive rating), at rather low share of those being at a loss to answer (7 %). Besides, people living in settlements and countryside are more inclined to expect personal benefits from realization of the program (26 % + 39 %), than residents of large cities (15 % + 32 %).
Priority directions of development of information technologies as seen by the interrogated.
Information about priority, in opinion of the population, directions of development of information technologies marginally witnesses support of these or those components of the federal program “Electronic Russia”.

Which of the following directions of information technologies’ development in our country seem the most important to you now?
44 - Provision of schools, high schools, medical institutions with computers
27 – Realization of programs targeted at raising the level of computer literacy of citizens
21 – Installation of qualitative communication networks in each settlement
20 – Opening of public Internet access outlets in all settlements
18 - Increase of amount of computers, used at home
15 – Development of advanced methods and theory of programs and projects of computerization
12 - All above-listed
18 - Difficult to answer
First of all, respondents single out the problem of computerization and equipping the sphere of education and public health services with modern technical devices – as a priority direction it is considered by relative majority of interrogated (44 %). Also, as a priority direction, it is much more often than average mentioned by pupils and students (62 %), being the youngest (this direction was singled out by 57 % of interrogated in the age below 25 years), and also by approximately half of 25 - 39 year-olds (52 %) and office workers (52 %), as well as inhabitants of small cities of Russia (52 %). In general, importance of this direction is higher for young people, and also for that part of audience, which possesses not the highest level of education and qualification.
The importance of all other directions for respondents is much lower; the problem of raising the level of computer literacy of the population (27 %) was mentioned here more often than others. Worth mentioning is the fact, that exactly this problem was relatively often mentioned by that part of interrogated audience, which already possesses necessary skills and possibilities of use of computer technologies. Thus, at average index of frequency of this direction mentioning of 27 %, in group of those having access to the Internet it has made 41 %, in group of those having access to personal computer - 39 %, among those able to use PC and the Internet - 37 %.
In the groups, defined according to basic social - demographic parameters, this direction is regarded to be more important in comparison with others by young interrogated respondents (35 % of interrogated in the age below 40 years), having high level of education (34 %), and also pupils and office workers (34 %). Such task as opening of public Internet access outlets in all settlements of the country, is considered the most important by 20 % of interrogated, first of all by pupils and in general by youth till 25 years (26 %), people with higher education (25 %) - and simultaneously by unskilled workers (27 %) and housewives (33 %).
About the same share of interrogated regards “installation of qualitative communication networks” in each settlement as the most important direction (21 %). The latter appears more significant for businessmen (28 %) and office workers (27 %). Computerization of households is regarded as a priority direction of development of information technologies by 18 % of all interrogated. Equipping families with computers is considered the most urgent direction among youth, first of all pupils and students (37 %), and also among businessmen (26 %) and respondents with higher education (26 %).
More specific problem of development of advanced methods, theories, programs and projects of computerization appears important, accordingly, for a smaller group - 15 %. This direction, along with pupils and students (25 %), showing in general higher awareness and interest in problems of computer technologies, was more often mentioned by respondents with higher education (21 %) representing more qualified part of interrogated audiences, on the one hand, and by office workers (21 %) for whom pragmatic side of the problem, on solution of which their work directly depends, seems to be important.
Though the share of those being at a loss to give certain answer tends to one fifth of all interrogated (18 %), nevertheless, especially if to compare this parameter with information on awareness of the program “Electronic Russia”, it is possible to say, that for the majority of Russians importance of the problems mentioned by the poll is clear. Least significant it appears only for elderly people, with low educational level, in particular, pensioners (36 % - 38 % of these groups could not regard as important any of listed directions of development of information technologies).
As a whole, basic characteristics determining high interest to entire listed complex of problems and directions are presence of skills of work with PC and the Internet, and also direct access to them. Thus for respondents having access to PC and the Internet, realization of programs of increase of computer literacy level seems especially important.
Interest of the population to information on work of authorities
One of priority directions of the Federal target-oriented program “Electronic Russia” is maintenance by means of development of computer and information technologies of transparency of activities of government bodies at all levels.

How important for development of the country and for yourselves do you consider the opportunity of open access to information on work of authorities, prepared decrees, alterations in legislation?
Very important Important enoughNot that important
Completely unimportant Difficult to answer
For 68 % of interrogated it is obviously important (for 25 % it is very important), both for development of the country in general and for them personally, to have open access to information on work of authorities, prepared and taken decisions, etc. provided to citizens This orientation is characteristic of absolutely all social groups, but the most interested here are young respondents (76 % of interrogated are in the age below 25 years, 74 % - 25 – 40 years), and accordingly, young students (77 %), people with higher education (77 %), businessmen (71 %) and office workers (76 %).
However, not to a lesser degree important appears openness of state authorities for many “peripheral” social groups, in particular, housewives (78 %) and the unemployed (72 %), aspiring to compensate their rather low social status by means of expansion of their civil rights. Less than one fifth of the population does not attach special importance to openness of state authorities (15 % consider it not that important, and 7 % - completely unimportant).
Similar share of opinions is also observed in attitude of respondents to such opportunity, as accessing the Internet in public places in order to receive information or contact with authorities and their representatives: 53 % of interrogated would definitely take advantage of such opportunity (21 % of them would do that “definitely”), and only 19 % are definitely not interested in such opportunity.

If you had possibility of access the Internet in public places for the sake of finding information about activities of government bodies and asking officials about these or those problems - would you take advantage of that?
Definitely yes
Rather yes
Rather not
Definitely not
Difficult to answer
And in this question the most effective factor is actual or potential involvement in communications on the basis of modern technologies, therefore pupils and students (72 %), businessmen (72 %), youth younger than 25 years (70 %), most actively using computer and the Internet are much more often than average ready to take advantage of such opportunity. Highly educated respondents and experts show rather smaller interest in direct communication with representatives of authority (68 and 66% correspondently).
While more than one third of Muscovites (37 %) consider provision of open access of citizens to information on work of authorities (inhabitants of other types of settlements give here more constrained ratings), only one fifth of Muscovites would definitely take advantage of the opportunity of Internet access in public places in order to receive information on activity of authorities (the highest level of readiness for direct communication with representatives of authority is in medium-size cities (27 %) - definitely less safe, than the capital and large cities). Moreover, among interrogated Muscovites is the highest share (in comparison with inhabitants of the rest of Russia) of those, who definitely would not use such opportunities - 25 % (at the average of 19 %).
General characteristic of PC skills and access to them
While analyzing received data on skills of using computers and the Internet and scales of access to them, it is necessary to take into account the fact, that here, to a certain extent, we deal with audience of potential users, since the data on frequency and intensity of work with computer and the Internet on average on the country are much lower and rather differentiated, depending, first of all, on educational level and qualification, age, type of settlement and social status of respondent.
The poll had shown, that in general skills of work on PC, as well as with the Internet, intensively developing among users of PC, are a bit wider than with those having access to them and demonstrate appreciable tendency to expansion. Thus, if on average 36 % of interrogated are able to use computer, than 30 % of respondents already have access to it – in this or that place; similar situation is also with the Internet - 21 % are able to use it, and only 16 % have access to it. At the same time, about one tenth of those not having access to PC or the Internet are going to obtain it in the nearest future.
Skills of work with computer and the Internet are most closely connected with such factors, as age, occupation and educational level, and also, though at a lesser extent, with type of settlement in which respondent lives. Thus, among the youngest (in group of 18 – 25 years) 71 % can use computer and 45 % - the Internet, and among pupils and students - 86 % and 58 % correspondently. At the same time in the next age group (25 - 40 years) these figures are considerably lower - 54 % and 34 % correspondently, and among people of 40 – 55 years they are approximately twice lower - 28 % and 14 %. At the same time, among the youngest, in comparison with senior (that is more socialized, socially active) groups, gap between skills of using (much higher, than in elderly ages) and possibility of access (approximately at the level of 25-40 years) is a bit more significant.
In the groups singled out according to occupation the most advanced in use of PC and the Internet are experts (69 % and 56 %), businessmen (69 % and 44 %), to a lesser degree, but still much more often than average – office workers (57 % and 35 %). By possibility of access to PC and the Internet pupils are followed by businessmen (68 % and 60 % correspondently, while businessmen is a unique group, where possibility of access to the Internet exceeds prevalence of skills of its use), then come experts (68 % and 47 % correspondently), and the last group, which exceeds average level, is office workers (53 % and 27 % correspondently).
Skills of work on PC and with the Internet are more often met among metropolitan citizens (48 % and 32 % correspondently), while in large and medium cities their share is a little bit lower and is practically identical - 41 % and 25 % correspondently). In small cities share of those able to use computers slightly exceeds the same rate in the countryside (33 % and 28 % correspondently), almost the same gap is also observed in skills of use of the Internet – 20 % and 14 %.
Rather different is the situation with access to computers and the Internet. Moscow, in comparison with other cities is more computerized: here 51 % of the population has access to PC, in large and medium cities – 37 %, in small cities – 30 %, in settlements and villages – 18 %. As for the possibility of Internet access, here the situation is more leveled - from 27 % in Moscow and 24 % in large cities up to 19 % in medium cities, 14 % in small cities and 8 % in settlements and countryside, though here the factor of urbanization again appears significant enough. Information on intentions to get access to PC or the Internet in the nearest future differentiates social spheres and allocates groups, where processes of familiarization with computer equipment and technologies connected with it develop more intensively.
Most interested and trained environment is, again, pupils and students, in the nearest future about one third of them (32 %) is going to obtain access to PC (note, that on average this rate is 8 %), and 41 % - access to the Internet. The next defined group is that of youngest (18 – 25 years) where these rates have made 23 % and 24 %, while in the next age group (25 - 40 years) they are already considerably lower – 14 and 15 % correspondently.
Interesting are the data on groups of people with higher education, and especially experts, where (as well as among learning youth) the share of those going to get access to the Internet is bigger than share of those, who are solicitous simply about access to PC – among respondents with higher education this ratio is 12 % to 17 %, among experts - 6 % to 18 %. At the same time, among office workers these rates are equal (16 %).
While inhabitants of large cities are more often than others intend to get access to PC, intention to purchase or get access to the Internet is almost twice more often declared by not only residents of the capital, but also respondents living in cities of large and medium size.
Among those having access to PC, 83 % are able to use it, and 53 % can work with the Internet; among those who have access to the Internet these rates are higher, especially regarding use of the Internet - 86 and 75 % correspondently.
The level of general readiness to use computer or the Internet for receipt of information, purchase of goods and services, raise of educational level, is proportionate to the level of respondent’s involvement into this information and communicative sphere.

Are you ready to use PC/Internet in order to receive necessary information, purchase goods and services, raise your educational level?
Definitely yes
Rather yes
Rather not
Definitely not
Difficult to answer
In general, 46 % of all interrogated are ready to use these means. We would like to note, that along with already described groups-leaders – young people, students, businessmen, highly educated respondents - increased interest to these possibilities is also demonstrated by respondents representing “senior young” (25-40 years - positive orientation is inherent in 68 %), and those who have specialized secondary education (55 %), and also office workers (66 %), and even housewives (62 %). Especially significant is this readiness among respondents, estimating their own consumer status as rather high (73 %), while in highly remunerative group it is expressed a bit poorer - 64 % (that again proves the fact, that types of behavior and activity are to a greater extent defined not by level of income, but namely the type of consumption, which becomes rather a notional factor for purposes and orientations, specifying their character).
In general the poll had shown, that level of knowledge of the population about FTOP “Electronic Russia” is yet not too high, that is connected, first of all, with low level of computerization and computer literacy. At the same time, the share of population, which might be interested in directions of the program is already great enough and makes about one third of adult population of Russia.
The most perspective part of potentially interested audience is the youngest (pupils and students) layers of the population. Other category is made up by the most qualified and educated layers which are directly affected, for example, by the problem of perfection of system of office work, communications, access to information and so forth.
It is remarkable, that today experts occupy either uncertain, or more skeptical and critical position in relation to the program, whereas businessmen more actively respond to the problems connected with maintenance of transparency in activities of government bodies and so forth. Worth special attention is positive attitude to the program and its tasks paid by of socially restrained layers, which are poorly involved in modern types of communications.