In 2004 Electronic Russia FTOP funding should equal 1.8 billion roubles. About one third of it should support projects realized by the Ministry of Economic Development.
According to First Deputy RF Minister of Trade and Economic Development Andrey Sharonov, changes in the country government, aimed at consolidation of ministries, will have no negative effect on realization of ” Electronic Russia”: ”This reorganization does not eliminate the question of the government’s informational openness, and consolidation will simplify the tasks”. As Andrey Sharonov said, at the starting stage of the programme in 2002, main emphasis was made on analysis of the situation in authoritative bodies from the point of view of business process efficiency, as well as correspondence to world experience of state power informatisation. In 2003, attention was focussed on development of interdepartmental projects. One of them was the project of organizing interaction between State Customs Committee and Ministry for Taxes and Duties. It should result in reducing false exports by 20 % and time economy by 90 %.
Another development connected with high expectations is state procurements portal. Main hindrance to its development is impossibility of using such an instrument as electronic digital signature, as well as imperfection of the legislation, which requires fixing many stages of a deal in writing.
Source: Comnews, 09.03.2004